Star Trek: Attack Wing Lists

Here's all of the standard lists for Star Trek: Attack Wing that I use.

Standard List v.1 [99/100]:
  • U.S.S. Enterprise-D + Jean-Luc Picard + Tuvok + Tom Paris + Geordi LaForge + Photon Torpedoes (52)
  • U.S.S Voyager + Kathryn Janeway + Harry Kim + Worf + Miles O'Brien + The Doctor (47)
Standard List v.2 [100/100]:
  • U.S.S. Enterprise-D + Jean-Luc Picard + Tuvok + Tom Paris + Geordi LaForge + Photon Torpedoes (52)
  • U.S.S Voyager + Kathryn Janeway + Worf + Ablative Generator (48)
Janeway's Torpedo Punch [99/100]:
W/L: 2/0
  • U.S.S. Voyager + Kathryn Janeway + Independent Flagship [Romulan back] + Cheat Death + Tom Paris + B'Elanna Torres + Harry Kim + Tuvok + Transphasic Torpedoes + Proton Torpedoes + Secondary Torpedo Launcher + Ablative Generator + The Doctor [Tech]
Joke list, ended up working quite well, for what it is. Replace Janeway with Picard for a bit better aux. power management and pilot skill, at the cost of token doubling (powerful with two evades or two scans) for 100 pts. total. Or, replace Harry Kim with Montgomery Scott for somewhat similar shield mechanics, at the cost of attack dice/pts. efficiency for 100 pts.