Saturday, May 10, 2014

Debut of "Janeway's Torpedo Punch"!

First game of the night, of the first day this site has existed. What, battle reports already?! YOU BETCHA!

Anyways, I debuted Janeway's Torpedo Punch in this battle. It was a three-way free-for-all with a good number of planets and obstructions on a 4'x6' mat (sectioned to 4x4). The Transwarp Conduit tokens were used as large Plasma Storm markers. The look on their faces when I placed only one ship in my deployment zone, then announced I was completely deployed...priceless. Much lulz were had.
Janeway's Torpedo Punch [100]:

  • U.S.S. Voyager + Independent Flagship [Romulan back] + Kathryn Janeway + Cheat Death + B'Elanna Torres + Harry Kim + Tom Paris + Tuvok + Proton Torpedoes + Secondary Torpedo Launcher + Transphasic Torpedoes + Ablative Generator + The Doctor [Tech]
Other Federation (Played by Nick) [95?]:
  • U.S.S. Defiant + Independant Flagship [Dominion back] + Jean-Luc Picard + Montgomery Scott + Worf [crew] + Photon Torpedoes + Quantum Torpedoes + Cloaking Device
  • U.S.S. Enterprise-D + William T. Riker
Klingon Scum (Played by "The Other Charles") [96?]
  • I.K.S. Negh'var + Worf [Captain] + Alexander + Montgomery Scott + Magnetic Pulse
  • I.K.S. Koraga + Martok + Engage + Nyota Uhura + Antimatter Mines + Advanced Weapon System

Voyager burns shard for the flanks of the other Federation ships, sending a few torpedoes into the Defiant's hull, while the Klingons engage their cloaks from a safe distance. Janeway's swiftness surprises Picard and Riker, who miss all but one of their counter-attacks.

The Klingons decide to strike now, heading off against the Enterprise-D and the Defiant, while Voyager swings around for a rear strike. A few shots from the Intrepid find their marks in the Negh'Var's cloaked hull.

The Federation ships swing wide and the Enterprise-D gets a few shots off onto the Koraga, doing minor damage. The Negh'Var shoots wild at Voyager, who is out of range for a return strike.

Defiant goes wide, taking time to re-energize some shields, while the Enterprise-D takes her chance at shooting the Klingons. Voyager, taking some major fire from both Klingon ships, heads towards the relative safety of the far side of the planet, activating her Ablative Generator for some much-needed armor reinforcement.
Voyager continues her temporary respite, as the Klingons turn to escape back under cloak. The Federation ships are waiting though, and the Defiant lays a well-aimed volley at the Negh'Var, ending the line of Mogh once and for all. Meanwhile, a lucky rear phaser bank hit from the Enterprise-D pierces the Bird of Prey's armor, and begins a warp core breach!

With the Koraga limping along after ejecting its warp core, the Federation ships angle to intercept Voyager as she repairs and rearms in high orbit.

The Enterprise-D boosts to try to cut off Voyager, and the two exchange fire at close range while the Defiant deftly avoids a debris field.

Janeway swings her ship around to meet the Defiant head on, hoping to boost past it and unleash a torpedo volley from her rear tubes, as the Enterprise-D turns back towards the fight. The Koraga seems to have been forgotten for the moment...

Surprise! Janeway makes a tactical mistake, and the ship dips into auxiliary power under the strain of holding off so much concentrated firepower. She gets off the torpedo spread however, and the Defiant is destroyed!
Voyager makes a getaway, with both the Koraga and the Enterprise-D hot on her tail. The ship is straining all of its available resources, but manages to get too far out of range for decent shots from the Federation or the Klingons.
Riker turns towards the Koraga, seeking to end Martok's predations, but cuts it too close and takes a full barrage to his midsection. The Koraga blows through the wreckage, chasing Voyager as she begins emergency repairs.
Martok has done it again, and Voyager must once again rejoin the fray, only this time with severe damage. Janeway and Martok both order their ships to ramming speed...

...but Janeway emerges victorious, her phasers tearing through the Koraga's hull, destroying the ship!

So Janeway was victorious in the end, a surprising turn of evens considering how jam-packed her actions are in this list. In general, the Intrepid class (especially the U.S.S. Voyager) has problems with stress management. It's easy to accidentally overload yourself, and while a stressed Voyager is still fast, she's not terribly maneuverable, making stress reduction a pain (I know Chekov helps with this immensely, but this build has zero room to spare!). I could have also played a bit smarter with my initial volley; I opted to use regular photons instead of transphasics, or (in hind sight) even better photons with the Secondary Torpedo Launcher. If I hadn't hesitated there may not have been a Defiant after the second round!

Seriously, I can't stress enough how much the Voyager can stack up the aux. power tokens...this is a closeup of Voyager during the same turn that the Enterprise-D was destroyed:

Seriously, look at all that red!!
This was originally written as a joke list, just something fun to play. One single beefy unit in miniatures games rarely is capable of holding it's own against more standard lists. I didn't expect to survive long at all, much less win, especially in a three-way battle where they'd gang on the single ship...but it turned out to dominate! It held up toe to toe with two 100 pt. multi-ship fleets; Nick focused 99% of his attacks on Janeway, but her base four defense dice and six shields made attacking her...futile most of the time. It was entertaining to no end watching my opponents fret over what "Crazy Janeway" would do, and what her ship was capable of.

Great game to Charles and Nick!

Tune in tomorrow morning for the second battle report--it's already WAAAAY too late to type up another post.

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