Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Search for Dilithium!

Time for the evening was running short, so we decided to run a mission instead of duke it out like normal. We originally chose the second mission in the rulebook, but it proved to be terribly written from a design point of view, and so we switched to the first one, a simple pick-up and escape mission.

The battlefield was again the 4x4 mat, with the objective planet in the center, surrounded by large then small obstacles, placed roughly evenly according to terrain placement rules in the tournament handbook.

We decided to play to 100 points again, as we didn't want to take the time to rebuild all our lists (Nick had already rebuilt his during the last game, taking the time to write it out while his opponents were acting). I brought "Crazy Janeway" again, switching out Harry Kim for Montgomery Scott. Charles barely shifted his build, but Nick, perhaps inspired by my single-ship escapades, decided to load the Defiant. He ended up being 16 points short, but it may not have helped him in the end...
Janeway's Torpedo Punch [Mod.1]
  • U.S.S. Voyager + Independent Flagship [Romulan back] + Kathryn Janeway + Cheat Death + B'Elanna Torres + Montgomery Scott + Tom Paris + Tuvok + Proton Torpedoes + Secondary Torpedo Launcher + Transphasic Torpedoes + Ablative Generator + The Doctor [Tech]
Other Federation (Played by Nick)
  • U.S.S. Defiant + Federation Flagship + Jean-Luc Picard + Attack Pattern Delta + Cheat Death + B'Elanna Torres + Montgomery Scott + Mr. Spock + Magnetic Pulse + Photon Torpedoes + Plasma Torpedoes + Quantum Torpedoes + Advanced Weapon System + Cloaking Device
Klingon Scum (Played by "The Other Charles")
  • I.K.S. Negh'var + Worf [Captain] + Alexander + N'Vek + Tractor Beam
  • I.K.S. Koraga + Martok + Engage + Pavel Chekov + Antimatter Mines + Advanced Weapon System
All four ships warp into the planetary system at the outskirts of the asteroid system. A transport ship crash-landed here, and everyone wants the refined dilithium for themselves!
With impulse engines at maximum, Voyager reaches orbit first, and drops shields to allow Janeway and Torres to transport down and place transporter tags onto as many of the containers as possible. The Defiant and the Klingon ships close in...
Voyager swings around the planet to engage the Klingons. Short-range phaser and disruptor fire damage both ships as Worf and Alexander beam down too...
The Defiant finally gets within transporter range, and drops Picard and an alternate B'Elanna o the surface. Meanwhile, the Negh'Var charges through the scrum. The Koraga and Voyager aren't as lucky, and get stuck in.
Voyager and the Koraga untangle themselves, but Voyager ends up plowing through a debris field. The Defiant orbits at range, and exchanges close-range fire with the Negh'Var.
Voyager disentangles itself yet again, and sweeps close to pick up Janeway's away team, safe from the phaser cannons of the Defiant. Meanwhile, Worf and Alexander return to the Negh'Var as Martok moves to intercept Voyager...
Voyager slips though the formation at hair's breadth and fires a rear volley of transphasic torpedoes at the Koraga. The Defiant lines up its guns as it rounds the planet, only to see the Bird of Prey vaporize!
Voyager slips through the debris field while the Defiant and the Negh'Var square off.
Janeway burns hard for the warp-out point, leaving the Defiant and the Negh'Var too far behind to do anything.
Voyager's inherent speed really helped her out in this mission. The only ship on the table with a 6, Voyager proved to be nigh untouchable as long as she had a straight line to travel in. The fact that we played to 100 points also made the Federation ships too much of a brick for the Klingons to handle; next time we'll play with only the 40 specified in the rulebook.

The highlight of the game, for all players, was probably the transphasic torpedo shot. Voyager had a battlestation token, and used Tuvok to get 11 dice versus the Koraga's 1 defense die (the Koraga had suffered a critical hit earlier, reducing its defense to 1). Here's the results:

Seven hits and 4 crits would put down any ship in the game!
Another good game from Charles and Nick.

I've got to run, there's an X-wing event to get to, and I should be able to get some more reports up after!

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