Sunday, May 11, 2014

Old Footage Found!

So while digging through my old iPad photos (the device I take all these photos with currently), and found some old pics of my first real X-wing Miniatures game (I'm discounting the first two demos I ran, with just the ships in one box). I thought I'd share, so see how far I've come, and yet how far I have to go still.

This was also the debut of the store's fancy new Frontline Gaming 6x4' mat. We divided the mat into a 4x4' space (you'll remember those dimensions from the previous Star Trek posts). It has a "mouse-pad-like" texture, soft and flexible, textured and spongy enough that the ships stick to the mat very well, yet bouncy enough to give dice some excellent rolling mechanics. I loved it so much, I ordered a 4x4' myself (I can use it for our friendly games, for which we tend to use the full 4x4', or bring it to events and tape it to 3x3').

I remember we spread around some rocks randomly (I literally just chucked them out there), then set up.

I don't remember exactly what was on my opponent's list, but he had what I've listed below, plus some missiles (no idea what type):

  • Ten Numb + Marksmanship + Proton Torpedoes Autocannon + Fire-Control System
  • Biggs Darklighter + R2-F2
  • Red Squadron Pilot + Proton Torpedoes
Imperials (played by Charles)
  • Darth Vader + Squadron Leader
  • Captain Jonus
  • Gamma Squadron Pilot
  • A bunch of missiles, torpedoes, and such that I can't remember...
The battle has begun.
Nunb and Darklighter move together, joined by a late Red Squadron pilot. Vader follows close behind Captain Jonus and his wingman, ready to jump out in front to intercept enemy fighters after the bombers' first volley.
The TIE Bombers swing close to the asteroid, and fire missiles at Biggs, damaging him heavily. The Rebels return fire, but do no significant damage.
The Red Squadron pilot flips around and has Vader dead in his sights. The Dark Lord goes down to a heavy fullisade, while Biggs take a light hit from a TIE Bomber.
With a broken stabilizer, Biggs find himself ramming into a floating rock, though Nunb makes it through unscathed. Jonus, his squad broken after Vader's fall, K-turns and takes a wild shot at Numb. The Red Squadron pilot gets a clear shot at the TIE Bomber, but the window was too small and the shots mostly miss.
Nunb flips around to return to the battle, and the Red Squadron pilot turns to rejoin formation as Jonus does a quick barrel roll to evade him.
The TIE Bombers regain formation just as the Rebels begin to close in...
Jonus flips again and gets a surprise attack against the X-wing, damaging him heavily, but the Rebel returns fire and destroys the Captain. The other bomber retaliates for the loss of his squad leader, and destroys the X-wing.
The TIE pilot makes a wrong turn and Nunb is able to slip in right behind him, but ends up too close to fire.
The lone TIE pilot tries to emulate his captain and get a surprise shot on the B-wing, but Nunb is too quick for it, and he bomber goes down!
It was a fun little game, though I remember being underwhelmed by the Autoblaster. Marksmanship was a deal-maker though.

It was also this game that I accidentally bent my B-wings lower gun...

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